PLEASE NOTE: BIRA is long gone and does not exists any more. I'm offering these pages simply for future reference...

As Featured in the Audi Quattro Club's Quattro Quarterly!
Over 400 Enthusiastic Members and Growing!

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Welcome to the BIRA.ORG website! The Braking Improvement Research Association is a group of Audi® drivers who are interested in creating cost-effective improvements to our braking systems. BIRA was founded to investigate the viability of low-cost, high-performance, high-value braking system improvements, primarily for Audi automobiles.

 Where "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" - C. C. Colton (1780–1832): The Lacon


BIRA Private Pages

A llimited number of the the old private web pages, with supporting documentation, will be linked here soon