The Wright Device Dirt Track Special (DTS)


The Wright Device DTS is bonded to the helmet, allowing for easier visor use and designed to take repeated impact loads of 150 g’s (1500 lbs). Includes body harness. Cost is $125 for Wright Device with harness attachment plus $10 shipping; $175 plus $15 shipping with full body harness. Includes RTV. Disclaimer form must accompany helmet.

The Wright Device DTS
Bonded to Helmet

  1. Clean the helmet with soap and water to remove oil and grime.

  2. Put unit on helmet and TAPE in place for a fit check in the car.

  3. When you have fitted it, mark the area on the helmet that the Velcro covers.

  4. Remove Wright Device and lightly sand the area where the Velcro will attach.

  5. Wipe off helmet to remove grit.

  6. Place the Wright Device with the Velcro side up on a flat surface (paper under because the RTV will be everywhere)

  7. VERY IMPORTANT! Saturate the Velcro by pushing RTV into the loops using a flat tool. (popsicle stick or something like) Put enough RTV on Velcro to have a 1/8” layer of RTV on top of the Velcro.

  8. Place on helmet. Make sure there is no air between Wright Device and helmet. Do not push Wright Device on helmet so that all RTV squeezes out side.

  9. Tape in place and let cure for 24 hours.

    NOTE: Once bonded in place it cannot be moved.