Second Creek Raceway, June 2001

Doug Harrison, 1995.5 S6 with BIRA System 1

During the weekend of May 19-20, I had the opportunity to attend the Quattro Club's Driver's School hosted by the Rocky Mountain Chapter at Second Creek, Denver.  Paramount was the fine instruction and learning experience orchestrated by the RM chapter staff, but the icing on the cake was the exceptional performance of the BIRA System 1 set-up with the Kerr Friction pads on my 95.5 S6 (the car itself was pretty awsome as well when pushed to the limit).  This track is incredibly hard on brakes and I never detected a hint of fade as I was constantly mashing the brakes for the next turn/apex.  While they got good n' hot (oh the smell of cookin' brake pads filled the air), they never stumbled.  I had a total of 5 long sessions on the track before a lower turbo hose popped and a Colorado dust storm shut down the Quattros for good late Sunday PM.

Here's the best part?  While these brakes will do for 100% of any street driving demands + an occasional performance event, I can still fit my winter wheels and rubber w/o caliper change!

Footnote: If you have never attended one of these schools, I highly recommend it.  Not only do you get to see how all those expensive mods perform "in the real", you learn many practical skills that you can take back home to daily driving.  Looking forward to my next driving school for sure.

Doug Harrison
Cashmere 1995.5 S6
BIRA System 1 with suspension mods
Hoppen Stage 2+
Stebro SS performance cat back